
Published on April 8th, 2013 | by iDidGo Blog Team


illuminating the sky


Yi Peng is a festival, also known as Lanna festival, which takes place in northern Thailand in the 2nd month of the Thai calendar (“Yi” meaning “2nd” and “Peng”, month in Lanna language). This festival also takes place in the same period of another in Thailand, the Loi Krathong (“Loi” means “to float” and Krathong is a receptacle made in the shape of lotus). The difference between them is that the Yi Peng, they do Krom loi (floating flashlights) that lit up the sky while the Loi Krathong will be done in the water, sort of like a “raft” thrown into the water.

The Krom loi are made of a thin material, such as rice paper, to which a candle or fuel cell is connected.When the candle is lit, the resulting hot air which is trapped inside the lantern creates enough lift for the lantern floats in the sky. There are also Krom fai that are made of paper, but only used for decoration, since the festival is totally against anything that harms the environment.

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