
Published on July 17th, 2013 | by Amanda


What is your travel code?


Can’t suck and blow at the same time? Can’t have my cake and eat it to?

Why not eat that cherry on the ice cream?

When I hear can’t – I actually hear I CAN and I usually do … I call this the AMANDA CODE. My friends see that glimmer in my eye and they scream AC- oh oh! 

Why have limits when you travel? I do it all even if I have to break the rules or bend them to get the experience I want for myself.

This is what defines my travel style. What code defines your travel style?

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About the Author

I have been travelling since I was 17 and I won’t tell you for how many years. I love exploring exotic locations, dancing in the moonlight, and experimenting with spicy foods - and even spicier encounters. To keep myself grounded I practice yoga everyday no matter my location. I am a modern day flower child - and travel the global looking for adventure and inner peace.

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