
Published on June 30th, 2013 | by Andre


10 Bangkok Survival tips for a single guy


thai sex workersIf you are one of the millions of single men headed to Bangkok for the first time, then you are probably getting a million and one tips from strangers, websites and friends who have been. I don’s consider myself a expert on Bangkok, even after travelling there several times, I still have much to see and learn. However, I do feel that it is important to share what I’ve learned while visiting this incredible city. Instead of tips, lets just call this “What to expect”.. How you react is obviously up to you!

1. If the chick is hotter than any chick you’ve ever see, it’s a clear indication that she’s a he! Nothing wrong with partying on the “other” side, butt (no pun intended), if you plan on engaging activities with the opposite sex this is something you should expect.


2. You are one of many.. If you do plan on hooking up with a sex worker then I’ll suggest you wear a condom

3. Stay away from tuk tuks and honestly, sometimes taxi’s. Tuk Tuk drivers will want to take you to every sex shop or tailor. Upon arrival to the sex shop/bar, you are pretty much expected to pay.. If you refuse to pay, you will answer to a few people.

4. Like I mentioned in number 3 “you will answer to a few people”..Do not be disrespectful to the ladies unless you plan on getting pummeled by the mafia.

5. Ping Pong Show! If you say yes to attending a FREE ping pong show, then eliminate the word FREE.. it’ll actually end up costing you roughly 40-50 bucks for a 5 minute show.  Did that make sense? Ping Pong shows are free to enter, expensive to leave!

6. Travel in groups! Mix the gender differences up! Believe it or not the Thai see single men or a group of men as a “bank”.. they are gifted people and know how to manipulate. Having women in your group will deter them from taking you to money pit clubs.

7. Learn to say “NO”.. it’s tough doing that, particularly when you are on vacation, but if you are on a budget then would l suggest using this word often. For tip number 3 particularly.. Say No a lot!!

8. Haggle! If you do want to engage with a sex worker, haggle! Get the best price. It’s their jobs to get the best price, but honestly it’s also yours.

9.  Stay on your cell phone. Even if you are not “really” texting or doing anything, pretend as if you are speaking with the outside world.  They will be less likely to rob you. Listen, it works!

10.  Carry as little cash as possible. Just enough to get you by the day. This will definitely stop you from over spending and making bad decisions. Remember it’s Thailand, your decisions are based on how much money is in your pocket at the time.

What are your suggestions? Any other tips for a single guy? Do share!!!!

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About the Author

I was born in Jamaica; from there I moved Toronto Canada around age 7. While growing up in Toronto I would spend summers in London UK, Brooklyn New York, Miami and Washington. What can I say, I enjoy traveling and all things related!

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