
Published on February 16th, 2013 | by iDidGo Blog Team


Spring Breakers: the DON’TS survival guide


Before you head off to have the best time of your life we decided to collectively put together a quick list of DON’TS while on Spring Break. SB2013 will be the first for hundreds of thousands of freshmen, so let’s just get right into the lsit.



1) Don’t Go ANYWHERE BY YOURSELF: There will be a lot of predators out there looking for a “drunk” guy/girl to rob. Remember, this is not your campus, you are not protected by your school’s code of conduct.

2) Don’t carry all your cash: Keep your cash in your bank account and make sure to use debit at all times. Even among your close friends money can always go “missing”.  However, do keep enough cash with you, enough that if  you end up “losing” it, you wont have a heart attack.

3) Don’t be that drunk table dancer: There are men and women paid to take their clothes off on stage strictly for entertainment purposes. Don’t be that dude or chick thinking that this is what spring break is all about. The last thing you want is to head back to campus knowing that you were naked humping random people on YouTube, which brings up to number 4…

4) Clothes ON when cameras ON: EVERYONE will be filming and the last thing you want to have to explain to your significant other is why you are tonguing a random person half naked….Not COOL..

5) Know your dealer: If you’re over 18 years old and heading to SB2013 it’s a great chance that a friend of a GOOD friend knows some dealers. Don’t get in any random cars, follow random people or have to leave your hotel area for drugs. Drug dealers are sketchy, and the HOT girls you see with them are smoke and mirrors.


6) Don’t drink heavily without eating: Here is the root factor to many drunken binges and chaos, drinking on an empty stomach! Just don’t do it. It’ll change you mentally and physically. Load up on carbs, proteins before you head out drinking. It’ll keep you energized, absorbs the alcohol and keeps your tolerance for more than a few hours. Nobody likes the dickhead drunk passed out at 7pm.

7) Don’t put all your eggs in one basket: We are not condoning promiscuous behavior but if you’re not looking for a life partner, then move on to the next fish immediately. If a guy/girl turns you away, DO NOT HAVE HEAR-ATTACK  there are roughly a hundred thousand more to get it on with. Never force yourself on someone either, allow things flow naturally, ends up being a better story in the end.


8) NO COMPLAINING: The last thing ANYONE wants is a complainer, if you don’t want to do what the group wants, then tough! The group is the majority, so enjoy the week and relax with the hissy fits!

9) Don’t Cock-Block: Guess, this should have been top 5, regardless it’s still very important rule. The term reflects a males genetels but women also enjoy cock-blocking their friends. Go back to rule 7, just don’t put all your eggs in one basket, particularly if your friends are scoping the same merchandise.

10) Don’t cry when you and your 10 guy friends get rejected at the club door: Listen, clubs base their rules on women to men ratios. They wont let your crew of 10 dudes inside the club regardless of how much college money you have. They prefer to see 3 women for every man! If you are a female reading this, then rule 10 doesn’t apply to you.


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4 Responses to Spring Breakers: the DON’TS survival guide

  1. Pingback: gerald

  2. Pingback: Shawn

  3. Pingback: lawrence

  4. Pingback: Leroy

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