About Priya Ramsumair

Priya Ramsumair I love all things tourism. I studied it, worked in it, and live it. I’m from Trinidad and Tobago and, unlike many of my countrymen, had the luck of living on both islands...my heart belongs to both. I’ve also lived in St Lucia, St Kitts and England. Studying tourism has given me a different optic when I look at my country and the others that I’ve visited and lived in. Tourism is the one industry that truly appreciates difference: the uniqueness of culture, food, religion, clothing and music. It encourages people to appreciate who they are and the countries that have become so ordinary because of familiarity. I aim to be an everyday tourist... to live the experience, every day, wherever I am...the familiar and not so familiar.

Author Archives: Priya Ramsumair

Satisfying that Carnival Tabanca

July 23rd, 2013 | by Priya Ramsumair

  Around July/August each year, intense Carnival tabanca sets in. Trinbagonians, true to the stereotype of avid limer, long for

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